Mersey Rose Recreationals announce new club partner
Mersey Rose Recreationals CC is pleased to confirm a partnership with No Boundaries CC.
The decision was made following a committee meeting last night, at which is was felt this partnership will be of significant benefit to our ongoing development as a cricket club.
Both No Boundaries and Mersey Rose exist to champion and facilitate greater inclusion and diversity in cricket. The partnership between the two clubs will focus on promoting these objectives with No Boundaries providing some coaching sessions throughout the year, providing a player for a few games per season and using their consultancy expertise and cricket knowledge to help Mersey Rose develop.
No Boundaries' Chris Marshall recently led a training session with Mersey Rose, which was appreciated by our players. Mersey Rose hardball team captain, Andi Page, said: "The coaching session NBCC ran during the off season was really well received by all the members and highlighted to us the benefit of working with an organisation like NBCC. They have a strong cricketing knowledge, both on and off the field, and will provide us with the cricketing insight and development plans we need to grow both as a club and as players." In regards the partnership, Mersey Rose vice-chair Steve Fowle said: "It is absolutely vital to partner with clubs who understand what we're about. For us everything centres on inclusion, increasing participation and - for many of us - just going out and enjoying friendly cricket. We're a work in progress and No Boundaries will be able to help us move forward with our vision."
New Boundaries chair Chris Marshall told the website: "Partnering and working with clubs like MRCC is exactly what NBCC was set up to do: help individuals from marginalised parts of society to to use cricket to develop their whakapapa*. Developing a structure to their training and practice, and helping them to grow both on and off the pitch, is something we are excited to be given the opportunity to do."
Further partnerships will be announced in the near future. *whakapapa: "a basis for the organisation of knowledge in the respect of the creation and development of all things"